Threaded Inserts
Our Top Products

Heat / Ultrasonic Inserts
Being the most popular option for thermoplastic insert installation, heat/ultrasonic inserts can be fitted into pre-formed holes by melting the plastic as they are being inserted. Heat insertion uses a thermal press to melt the periphery of the hole. This method has lower installation cost because it is relatively inexpensive compared to ultrasonic and this process can be used to install multiple inserts. Ultrasonic insertion, on the other hand, uses vibration frequency to create enough frictional heat to melt the plastic. Thus, this method can be louder but it provides quicker installation time and minimizes the withdrawal of the inserts caused by heat insertion.

Mold-In Inserts
Mold-in insertion provides the best performance in terms of both torque and pull-out resistance. This method places inserts over the pins during the molding process. The mold is then filled with resin that completely filled the inserts. When the resin hardens, it forms the best bond between the plastic and the insert.

Press-In Inserts
Press-in insertion is the most economical option when it comes to inserts because it only requires a standard press machine to press the inserts into pre-formed holes, eliminating the need for other expensive auxiliary equipment. Since this method only requires a simple step, the torque and pull-out resistance would not be as strong as the aforementioned methods. When the screw comes into contact with the insert, the sides of the insert protrude out into the wall of the plastic, securing the insert in its mold.
Self-Tapping Inserts
One of the best inserts in terms of pull-out performance for post-mold installation. The external thread design creates maximum shear surface area and provides back-out torque performance. Suitable for weaker materials that have low core strength.

Threaded Stud Inserts
Can be ordered as straight or tapered, in various lengths, and with or without threads. The threaded studs design can be used as additional electrical contacts or functions as self-tapping screws.